- Energy savings resulting from high efficiency of conversion from electric power to light
- Environmentally-friendly - product life of over 125 000 hours, no mercury content as in fluorescent lamps or energy-saving lights (actual life time of fluorescent lamps or CFLs is no more than several thousand hours and each of them contains mercury - a toxic e-waste)
- Low-cost control systems impossible to implement in fluorescent lamps - another point for energy savings
- In combination with motion sensors, energy usage in LEDs can be reduced by as much as 95%, which allows the application of renewable energy sources (small windmills or solar batteries) and independence from power-distribution plants
Why is it necessary to save electricity?
- Act on energy efficiency of August 2011
- September 2012 - withdrawal of 45W and 25W light bulbs from the EU market
- Polish NEEAP - reduction in energy usage by at least 9% (similar in other member states)
- Polish energy policy based primarily on coal-fired power plants - CO2 emissions
- Risk of insufficient power-plant efficiency due to the increase in energy consumption after 2015
- The increase in electricity prices caused by the need for modernisation of the entire system and upgrades in power-transmission lines (costs on the national level amount to several billion euros - these will have to be covered by power recipients)
"General lighting is the dominant market, with total market revenues of approximately EUR 52 billion in 2010, which represents close to a 75 percent share of the total lighting market. This is expected to rise to some EUR 88 billion by 2020 - approximately 80 percent of the total lighting market."
Lighting the way: Perspectives on the global lighting market, 2011, McKinsey&Company
Residential subsector
Office subsector
Hospitality subsector
Based on:
Lighting the way: Perspectives on the global lighting market, 2011, McKinsey&Company.
Lighting the way: Perspectives on the global lighting market. Second edition, 2012, McKinsey&Company.