Lighting on most of self-service car washes is controlled by dusk to dawn sensor. Despite that no one is using any of car bays, light is switched on, what in long term generates significant costs connected both with energy consumption and exploitation.
Our energy-saving lighting system for self-service cars washes is based on LED lighting and microwave motion sensors. Adequate composition of parameters of devices results in optimal object lighting usage and in great amount reduces previously mentioned costs.
System is based on double stream lighting fixtures - after dusk MMS activate watch mode in order to the car wash would be noticeable for passing by cars. When a car is close enough to the car wash, MMS will notice it presence and turn on full power of LED lights. When the car leaves bay, MMS will again switch light to the watch mode after certain time.
Stage 1
After dusk Microwave Motion Sensors activate watch mode in order to the car wash would be noticeable for passing by cars.
Stage 2
When a car is close enough to the car wash, Microwave Motion Sensors will notice it presence and turn on full power of LED lights.
Stage 3
When the car leaves bay, Microwave Motion Sensors will again switch light to the watch mode after certain time.